4/19/2017 0 Comments Why Make 2 Trips?If you know me, you know I am the one trip ✈️ wonder. If I am getting groceries out of the 🚘, I will hook the loops of every bag from my shoulders to my wrists. I hate making multiple trips ✈️ . We do these things to save resources. Rather we get into the habit of rationing our 💰, 🕰 and 🏋️. Sometimes I ask myself what I am trying to save. I'm not lazy 🤤. What about those people who do things the hard way. They are considered nonresourceful or impractical. You know the phrase "work smarter not harder." Seems like folks a few generations before us used to do everything manually. A job like 👠 making that once would take several painstaking hours, now there's an app 🤳 for that. So why does Christ take the trouble of going to heaven after rising from the 💀? He then comes back for a little while, later to be lifted up as He disappears in the ☁️s . Check out this verse below, I would like to ask you some questions about it. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 What happens to Jesus after He is done ✅ speaking his last words of Christ on earth 🌏? He is lifted up When Jesus is lifted up all men are drawn to Him. When Christ was lifted up on the cross, heaven and earth were reconciled by His sacrifice. When Jesus was lifted up from the earth 🌏 as the disciples stood gazing intently into the sky 🌌, all men are drawn to Him as the promised gift of the Holy Spirit allowing Christ to live within you. Who starts talking to the disciples as they are gazing into the sky 🌌? Two men in white clothing. Remember when Mary came to see the dead 💀 Jesus, to be the most disappointed she had ever been to see that the stone was rolled away and that he was gone? This was probably the most joyous occasion in history other than Jesus's arrival in Bethlehem. There were two angels 👼🏻 , sitting where Jesus's body was laying. They have a similar message to the one the two men dressed in white had for the disciples. "Why are you standing there staring 🙄 into the sky 🌌 ? "Why are you crying 😭?" The angels 👼🏻 said to Mary. I asked myself why they're needed to be a message of clarification and redirection at those times. Was it the witness factor? Was it simply because a prophecy was being fulfilled? Was it because of how distraught the disciples and Mary were probably feeling at that time? What do you think? as Christ is raining and I've been with the father, he is drawing us to Himself. We must keep our vision upward and on Him as we move forward in faith. God's plans i'm not like our plans. His plan of salvation has steps that we cannot always immediately understand. Are we standing firmly, trusting in God even when his plans don't make sense? How are you spending your time as you wait for the second coming of Christ? Do you Believe he will do as he has said in his Word?
4/17/2017 0 Comments Waiting for the Gift ?Waiting can be hard sometimes, whether it is the big test, a shipment in the mail, or good news. When you are waiting in Christ, there are some things you should wait on and others you should not. ⚠️Do not wait ⚠️ You could be an epic antagonist super villain, with all of the world's 🌎 worst habits. The biggest lie you could ever believe is that you cannot come to Christ. The second biggest lie is that you need to get your life together before you can come to Christ. He tells you to come to Him even if you don't feel worthy. Sometimes I have to ask God to give me the desire to do the right thing. Come to Jesus NOW. Do wait Everything else 😂. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which," He said, "you heard of from Me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."” Acts 1:4-5 NASB What were these disciples instructed to do after the Lord left them? _________________________ What were they waiting for? _________________________ Jesus taught the disciples, the disciples taught their generation, their generation taught others, and here we are still today. Would you like to enjoy the opportunity and responsibility of sharing the gift 🎁 our Father promised?
Are you being patient and waiting on the Lord before acting too hastily? With every day life decisions big or small? With spiritual matters? With Ministry?
Do not rush off into anything unprepared, in everything that we do, we should not carry on in the strength of our flesh. The only way we can be a true witness through our lives is under the control of the Holy Spirit who energizes us. 4/10/2017 0 Comments A Selfie to Remind MeTo remind me what I look like before and after. A lot of success stories revolve around burning the midnight oil and coffee seances in the morning. The reward is looking back at where you began and reveling in how far you have come.
Have you learned how to recognize where your strength stops and someone else's begins? Most of us don't play well with others, most of that is because of personality differences. Another part of it is power distribution dysfunction. Our society produces Alpha introverts and extroverts. The word community suggests a commune of unity where there is give-and-take. In this day and age we do more of gatherings where people with similar interests come together under one roof to participate in their interest individually. Try it this week. It doesn't even have to be a big project. Try participating in a co-op that involves two sets of hands or more. Try keeping your mouth shut for a moment. Try taking instruction, try being available to learn something. Try being told your idea may not best suit this occasion . Try resisting the urge of preserving your ego. Try making a suggestion because it is helpful to the cause and not to prove your worth. Not easy. Brb.. someone literally just gave me a command without saying please. After a violent skirmish with my pride, I consented kindly. Fred - 1 egotistical anarchy- 0 In Galatians 2:20 two people die and one revives. Survivor takes residence in the deceased. Do you get the same notion from the verse? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 This crucifixión with Christ accomplishes two impossible feats. It solves two big problems Sin I am being crucified to the slavery of serving a law I am incapable of keeping perfectly. While it does not annul the law, it changes my relationship to the law. Making my relationship with Christ the part of me that fulfills the law. Death Jesus is the first person to raise from the dead. One may argue that others like Lazarus and others took that title already. By dying to self, Jesus was able to die to sin in the flesh which causes him to die to death as the grave is not permitted to hold prisoner one who never violated the laws of heaven or the laws of earth 🌏. 🎤 💧 So where do I stop ✋🏿 and Jesus begin 🏁 ? It begins in the morning first thing when you get up. You meet with Jesus at a special time and place. You invite him to be Lord of your life to give them full reign over your life today. When you fail, no matter how unworthy you feel, you get back up and confess to Christ that you are unable to do it alone. Make a U-turn, a 180 degree from that thing in your life by recklessly abandoning it. Step forward in trust not knowing how it will be accomplished but trusting that God will do what he says he will do in his Word. 4/7/2017 0 Comments Till Death Do Us PartWould you believe I 🇯🇲 dated Dennise 🇸🇻 for a decade? When we would fight, I remember we would throw the "break-up" word around when we got mad enough at each other. After a decade of marriage, we work through our problems differently. Death 💀 is the only thing that could break-up the marriage bond.
Eve was created from a rib that was taken from Adams side. This had a lot of symbolism. They were made to be side-by-side. They are of the same flesh. While we are all adults here, even The way he "knew" his wife is symbolic of the oneness that they were to share. Only death separated them. Marriage is a big deal to God, he calls the church His bride 👰. We were meant to be together forever. In the verse below you will notice marriage language throughout. The law is a permanent thing, it does not change. Only death can undo your obligation to the law. You would have to 1️⃣ "die to the law." Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to 1️⃣die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be 2️⃣joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might 3️⃣bear fruit for God.” Romans 7:4 Look at the phrase underlined in the verse above 2️⃣"joined to another." It is marriage language. Notice the end of the verse, 3️⃣"bear fruit 🍉" that's baby 👶🏼 birthing language. We are married to the law. What kind of fruit 🍎 babies 👶🏼 do we bear when we are married to the law? The answer is none, nothing but stillborn miscarriages. Because of sin, no matter how hard we try, by our own power we always break the law in someway. It is a broken marriage. Christ died to sin, Christ died to self, Christ died to death. By doing this as a human being, we can join with the new Adam. If we choose to be joined to Christ we will get what he gets. We will die like he died and rise like He rose. These benefits of salvation are not some distant pay out that we can claim someday. We can I have this freedom now. All of this can be ours by faith, salvation begins today. Are you tired of your marriage to the law? Always trying to make sure you were good enough, that you are following the rules well enough that one day hopefully you're good deeds outweigh your bad deeds and you will have a slice of that pie in the sky? If you choose to join with Christ right now, he will do the work inside of you. He will start to change your heart and mind. Bad habits will begin to disappear, and as you see that it is Christ living inside of you that accomplishes these things, you will be thankful. Thankful like I am today. 4/6/2017 0 Comments The Perfect BodyI once had the perfect body, now it's like high school all over again trying to solve this word problem.
Its Miss Givehand's birthday today. She will be 96 years old when we arrive at 4PM. There will be cake 🎂 and fried chicken 🍗 . How many pieces will Fred eat? I bet Christ was pretty fit especially since he was a carpenter. He had the perfect body. What was so special about his daily regimen? 👉Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, so 👉that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. Romans 7:4 Look at the underlined words in the verse above. This seems to be a desirable thing that we can experience through Christ if we choose. What does Christ's body do to make me dead to the law? According to the verse, Jesus's body died. That's the same thing my body is going to do 💀. The only difference is that His body came back to life. A feat that all of our scientific artificial intelligence could never replicate. The act of dying and coming back to life is pretty impressive all by itself 😳. At some point we need to discuss how He pulled that off. Or how he even became a human being in the first place. The verse implies that Christ's death removed him from the jurisdiction of the law. That makes sense for anybody, if I died today would I still need to pay taxes? Maybe 😂. Once I'm dead 💀 , would I be responsible for crimes 🔪 I committed while I was alive? It makes me think of the death penalty, that once my heart stops no more payment💰 is required. My death would somehow be the payment of my previous crimes. I also would not be able to commit any more crimes in the future With our fallen nature, we have a perpetual affinity for law violation. Death death seems to be the only way to keep from breaking the law. So let's say I'm dead on the table, my death was the payment method for my crime. What happens if I came back alive at the morgue? I think the mortician her would be extremely alarmed call the police 👮, they would arrest me, detain me, investigate and probably try again. So it looks like to me that my death and resurrection does not pay for my crime. What is it about Christ's death that removes sin? Adam sinned for all humanity. Any descendant born into the world will bear his mark of sin. No one from within the race can redeem humanity. After sin entered the 🌎 in the Garden of Eden, God entered into a covenant with man that at the right time he would give his son to redeem humanity. Jesus enters humanity, being grafted in by the Holy Spirit. Rather than having Adam and Eve parents, He is the new Adam. What was so special about Jesus life? It is almost like Jesus continued where Adam left off. His obedience to the Father out of love and relationship made him capable of keeping the law. This proves that in all things are possible. Death is the payment method for law breaking Death of law giver is the result of law breaking What all of this means is that Christ paid the price of a lawbreaker having never broken the laws of heaven or on earth. Jesus is raised from the dead, and having paid the price for sin and death, He now has jurisdiction over all. Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to 👉die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.” Romans 7:4 Would you like the perfect body? You can have it today. His perfect obedience to the law as a human being makes perfection possible for us through Him. 4/5/2017 0 Comments Born OutlawMay I use the synonym "rules" as a substitute for the word "law?" Who makes the rules, and how does someone get the authority to enforce them? Without any rule book or instructions manual, I can safely assume that I have the authority to govern my own person. I can make decisions on what to eat and drink, on what to say and what to think.
I also have copyrights of everything that I create whether I write a book, invent a recipe or make intellectual property. For the most part the majority would agree on these rights with the exception of the oppressed and enslaved. And even then the taskmaster assumes this role based on his perception about his authority, self serving objectives and power to exercise control. All of these questions lead us to a couple of important observations about the law.
Have I missed anything so far? In this verse the law giver is God and according to the verse his motive is to protect. It's not you, it's me. I know that I need to keep the law and that by breaking the law I am jeopardizing the safety of other people. I am disobedient very frequently. I find myself unable to follow the law perfectly. The law becomes a burden because I know what I need to be doing but I do the opposite. What is it about the law that I need to be dead to? Does it mean that I am dead to the rules, exempt from the recommendations the law outlines? Or does it mean that I am dead to my obsessive compulsive attempts to accomplish something that is not within my power. If I don't keep the law, I am making the decision to exist under my own government. In light of all we have covered, it is impossible to keep the law by our own power. Since the fall of man our broken human nature wins. This is sad because although I want to live with God I could not because I would be dangerous to others and to myself. There is one however, Jesus Christ who made perfection available to the human race through himself. We all know what the definition of insanity is, and to be honest many of us have been insane for a long time. Do you sometimes get tired of trying to fix your life ? Trying to get your life together before you surrender completely to God? Are you tired of fighting? Are you tired of struggling? Are you tired of giving up and going at it all over again? Would you like freedom from that today? You can have it, right now. Just ask Jesus. Just as you are, accept what he has done for you on the cross and stop trying to do it yourself. 4/3/2017 0 Comments You're Dead to MeWhat does it mean to die? Your bodily functions cease to work. Your heart stops your blood stops flowing organs begin to die, the brain dies decomposition begins. You are no longer alive. Meaning that you are unaffected in anyway by your surroundings. There's nothing anyone could say to you to influence your thinking, there's nothing that anyone could do to your body that would change how you feel. You feel nothing at this point. What does it mean to "die to something?" It would imply The opposite of "die to everything" to die to everything would be completely dead. Unaffected, unreachable. To die to something, namely one thing or person implies that the person or thing being died to can influence us in some kind of way. Usually in a way that is undesirable or that can potentially hurt us. What are things that people die to? You may die to something good or bad, Good and Good It seems silly to mention this category because no one would die to something that is good for u and that is enjoyable to us. An example would be to die to eternal life. As if to say I die to happiness. Unless I was misinformed about what eternal life was really like. Good and Bad Good to me but bad for me I could die to ice cream which is good and delicious but possibly dangerous because I may over eat it. Good for me but bad to me I could die to Brussel sprouts but that wouldn't make much sense because they are good for me but they don't tempt me. I could still eat them and be dead to the Brussel sprouts' disgusting flavor meaning I am unaffected by the part of it that disturbs me greatly. Bad and Bad Whatever the thing is will have to be tempting in someway. There wouldn't be a reason to die to something with no benefit. On the other hand 🤚 , to use the example of death 💀 . No matter which way you slice 🍕 it, it is an inevitability that no one desires naturally. We have no choice in the matter. The natural emotion that springs up with an undesirable inevitable event is fear or anxiety. There would not be a way to die to death because death is coming whether you like it or not. The part of death that would be worth dying to would be fear or anxiety of dying. Based on Romans 7:4 |
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